Valuable Lessons I Have Learned From Failure.

Christopher Quiles
3 min readJan 21, 2021


And the gems I have gained going forward.


The fear of rejection and shame is real but honestly failure is a part of the process. Failure can make us feel helpless and distort our vision. It can harden our hearts, and makes us feel resentful and bitter towards others.

We start asking ourselves questions like…

  • “See I knew I would fail.”
  • “I knew it wouldn’t workout.”
  • “Im not good enough.”
  • “I quit.”

Those kind of thoughts ensure we fail way before it even happens. You begin to take less chances which means less opportunities at success. I’ll admit I’ve been guilty of. Honestly, I think we all have at some point.

Failure can be draining, especially when you know you’ve given maximum effort. It can start to chip away at our motivation. I feel you, I have had plenty of failure from exams to interviews. Each time I felt I was good enough.

The whole process of changing careers has helped me understand how to recover from failure. It is never easy to humble yourself and start from the bottom all over again, that’s probably why people are often times scared to even do it. I was stubborn to make the change, simply because I was in fear of what other people might think of me.

Success and growth is not possible without failure.

I have to constantly remind myself to make failure a teachable moment. It’s important to have accountability and ownership after each failure.

It’s important to ask yourself these questions.

  • Was there a lack of planning?
  • How can I invest more effort moving forward?
  • How can I better be prepared in the future?
  • What do I need to adjust?
  • What did I learn from this?
  • How can I help other from making the same mistake?

It can be a failed exam, a failed project, or any rejection. We have to constantly make sure we take these L’s as LESSONS and not loses. Choose to look at failure as another chance to get better and improve.

Start replacing the word failure with EXPERIENCE.

Don’t let failure change you.

Major failure causes the ego to shatter. As a result, you become more compassionate. You become more in touch with your feelings. It forces you to look deeper at things, understanding and caring more about others rather than solely focusing on your self.

I’ve worked with a lot of people and the most compassionate ones, are the ones who had to work the hardest to gain success. They haven’t forgotten the feeling of failure and needing guidance. We all need some help along the way. It is easy to be resentful and feel you are entitled to a certain treatment after reaching a certain level of success. I’ve had moments like this myself.

The truth is we all have time to humble ourselves and treat people who are looking for help or advice with compassion. Our journey’s mold us to who we become just don’t forget where you started.

Accept the lessons.

Honestly, we all fall short everyday. We’re not perfect. I have a long road ahead and I realize I have two choices when it comes to failure.

Accept the lessons and allow them to let you grow OR fight them and allow your ego to grow. I’ll have to choose wisely.

2 Corinthians 4:8–9:
We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed, perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken, struck down, but not destroyed.

